Farmers and Ranchers declaring their support for Kennedy

Farmers Declaration

To Our Fellow Americans -

For years, we farmers and ranchers have seen administrations come and go. They only shift slightly in one direction or the other, however, nothing significant ever happens.

Meanwhile, the number of family farms has plummeted, and is still falling.

We are courageously taking a stand because we finally have two candidates who have made Healthy Soil and Farmer Prosperity a top priority. We family farmers stand together to endorse Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Nicole Shanahan for these solid reasons:

  • Robert can win, in a 3-way race, he only needs 34% of the vote

  • Healthy soil is a key issue, Robert explains (1 minute) why we need it (5 minutes)

  • Nicole has been saying soil is crucial ever since she learned about the disastrous loss of topsoil

  • For Kennedy's farm policies, see Regenerating America's Soil, Farms, and Food Topsoil loss is a significant environmental problem in the United States, with severe consequences for agriculture, food security, and the environment. The Rodale Institute tells us the world has only 60 years of topsoil left if current rates of degradation continue. In the USA, soil erosion is a major problem, with an estimated annual cost of $44 billion.

We urge you to remember the farming community when you fill out your ballot.

On July 4th 2024, this declaration was authored and signed in the United States, by a group of American Farmers & Ranchers.

Sign the Declaration

Join a united collective of farmers and citizens who stand for real change and sign the “Farmers for Kennedy Declaration.” Let's prioritize Healthy Soil and Farmer Prosperity for a better future for us all!

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